Tel.:   +49 2366 549934  
Fax:   +49 2366 549935


Company Profile

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The TQC services holding company was founded in 1997 as a merger of several self-employed businesses.

After initial cooperation with different manufacturers of NIR - analyzers, the TQC services holding company operates since 2004 with the company Carl Zeiss Spectroscopy GmbH in Jena.

2013 TQC services holding company was renamed TQC Services Wolfgang Bode E.K. and entered in the register.

The main activity is the distribution of NIR - analyzers, the support of users, creating calibrations, and the implementation of training, worldwide.

Another area is advising food companies in terms of production optimization using the analyzers. Specially developed software packages (WinMeat software recipe management, mixer optimization and standardization, in collaboration with the engineering office Heidt, etc ...) are part of the program.